Monday, 30 November 2020

3 Times Table

 This weeks focus is the threes!!

Here is Percy Parker to help you learn your three times table!!

Now can you answer these questions?

  1. 2x3=
  2. 7x3=
  3. 10x3=
  4. 1x3=
  5. 12x3=

Monday, 23 November 2020

10 Times Table

 This weeks focused times table is the tens!!

This weeks song is from Jim the Hopping Mad Magician! I hope you enjoy this song! 

Now can you answer these questions? 
1) 4x10=
2) 6x10=
3) 7x10=
4) 9x10= 
5) 11x10=

The Little Red Hen

 Today's story is called the Little Red Hen. I hope you enjoy the story. Maybe you could join in as I read!

This story was all about a little hen who had no help from his friends so they missed out! It is always good to help others! How can you help someone today? Tell me how you helped in the comments below! 👇

Can you answer my three questions?

1) Who were the Little Red Hen's friends? 

2) Where did the Little Red Hen live? 

3) What did the Little Red Hen bake? 

Spelling Number 3 - Headlines

 Some people learn best using their hands and doing something. Today's spelling video is all about cutting out the letters to make the words in your spelling list. 

All you need is:

  • your spelling list
  • scissors
  • magazines or newspapers 
Watch the video to see how this strategy could help you.

Have a go at using the cut out letters to make the words in your spelling list.

Can you make these words using the letters you cut up?
  1. will
  2. they
  3. saw
  4. now
  5. just
Hope you enjoy this activity! I certainly did 😊

PE 3

  Today's PE activity is Connect 4 and it was made to help us remember that while we are at home we must stay active! 

You need to play with someone else but you can just do the activities without the colouring if no-one else will play! 

I think jumping over a pillow and learning a karate sequence really fun!

Let me know how you get on in the comments below! 👇

Indoor Treasure Hunt 2

Today's treasure hunt is one for inside! I hope you have fun! But remember to put everything away again!!

Who found everything? 

Let me know what you found in the comments below 👇

Friday, 20 November 2020

Anti-Bullying Week 4

 In my final Anti-Bullying Week video, I am looking at a poem called Power for Good. The poem is made up of 5 verses and they all have 6 lines. I hope you enjoy the poem as much I did! 

I found rhyming couplets in this poem at the end of a line. Can you find pairs of rhyming words? Maybe you can show me the rhyming words you found in the comments below! 👇

Remember if someone is being unkind to you, you must tell someone and get help! 

We don't want bullying in our school!. 

We want everyone to feel safe and happy when they come to school! 

5 Times Table

  This weeks focus timetables is the fives!!

I hope Percy Parker helped you last week! Here is Percy singing his 5 times table song! 

Enjoy singing along!

Now can you answer these questions? 

1) 9x5=

2) 3x5=

3) 6x5= 

4) 10x5= 

5) 12x5= 

Little Red Riding Hood

 Today's story is Little Red Riding Hood.

 What a scary story! I wonder where Grandma went...

Can you answer my three questions? You could tell me the answers in the comments below!👇

1) What was Little Red Riding Hood carrying? 

2) Who did she meet in the forest? 

3) Who came and helped Little Red Riding Hood? 

I hope you enjoyed the story! See you soon 😀

Maths 2 - Place Value

 Today I am focusing on place value. Watch my video to find out more!

In today's video we looked at ones, tens, hundreds and thousands and we used arrow cards to help us. 

Remember if the number has a hundred in it must have 3 digits (234), and if the number has a thousand in it must have 4 digits (3485)!

Can you answer these questions?
1) What is the value of the 3 in 239?
2) What is the value of the 5 in 519?
3) What is the value of the 1 in 1283?
4) What is the value of the 6 in 2976? 

PE 2

 Today I have found a PE bingo! Play the game! Enjoy yourself!

How fast can you complete a horizontal line? 

Can you complete the vertical line faster? 

Why don't you try the diagonal? 

Let me know what good deed you did in the comments below! 👇

Outdoor Treasure Hunt

  Today's treasure hunt is to do outside! I hope you enjoy getting some fresh air and finding things along the way!

Who found everything on the list? 

Let me know some of the things you have found in the comments below 👇

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Anti-Bullying Week 3

 In today's Anti-Bullying Week video, I am looking at a poem called Unique. This poem has 7 verses and each verse has 4 lines. I hope you enjoy the poem! 

Remember UNIQUE means DIFFERENT! We are all different and no one should ever be mean to you through words or actions! The World would be very boring if we all looked the same and liked the same things! 

If ever you are sad because someone has been mean or you ever see someone upset - tell an adult you trust! 

Jack and the Beanstalk

 Today's story is Jack and the Beanstalk.

I think Jack and the Beanstalk is a fantastic story! 

Did you enjoy it? 

Can you answer my questions?

1) Who did Jack sell Daisy to? 

2) Can you find three words that mean big in the story? 

3) How do you think Jack felt on the way down the beanstalk?

5 Senses Treasure Hunt

  I hope you enjoyed your treasure hunt yesterday! Today we are going to use our senses and go on a treasure hunt around the house and outside!

Who can remember their 5 senses? 

  1. See
  2. Taste
  3. Touch
  4. Taste 
  5. Smell

Let me know in the comments below some of the things you found! 👇

Have fun!!

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Anti-Bullying 2

 In today's Anti-Bullying video, I am reading a story called We are all Different. It is important to remember to celebrate this! Listen to the story. I hope you enjoy it! 

Can you answer these questions? 

What is your favourite drink?

What is your favourite lesson in school?

Who do you live with? 

What colour is your skin? 

My favourite drink is coke zero and I love Maths. I live with Tom, my husband and I have olive coloured skin! 

These answers will show how different you are to me! No one will answer them with the same answers! 

Remember to look out for other Anti-Bullying videos this week!

The Gingerbread Man

 Today's story is the Gingerbread Man. I hope you enjoy it. Can you join in? 

Can you answer my questions?

1) Who made the Gingerbread Man?
2) Who were the characters that chased the Gingerbread Man? 
3) Where did the fox find the Gingerbread Man? 

See you next time!

Spelling Number 2 - Colours

 Some people learn best using colours. Today's video is all about using colours to help us learn to spell. Watch the video to see if it helps you!

Who thinks this will help them?

Have a go at using a different colour for each letter or write out the word 10 times using a different colour or maybe create a pattern of 3 colours!

Try using colours to spell these words:

1) and

2) by

3) can

4) day

5) you

Let me know below if it helps you 👇

PE 1

 While you are at home it is important to keep our bodies moving! Look out for different ways to keep active over the next few days!

Can you spell your name out and do the work out for your name?
Mine would be 
M - 20 burpees
R - 15 push ups
S - 30 burpees

H - 20 squats 
A - 50 jumping jacks
L - 2 minute wall sit
L - 2 minute wall sit 

Maybe you can challenge someone at home and do someone's name each day? 

I hope you enjoy!

Indoor Treasure Hunt

  Here is an indoor treasure hunt to keep you busy while school is closed! I hope have fun! 

Who found all of the objects? 

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Non-screen Activities

 Remember to keep your brain active while you are at home! Here are some ideas to try that don't involve a screen! Why don't you try a different one every day!! 

Some of these ideas look like lots of fun and there are no phones, tablets or playstations involved! Have fun!

 Let me know which one you enjoyed the most in the comments below! 👇

Anti-Bullying Week 1

 This week is a special week in school. It is Anti-Bullying Week. This week's theme is United Against Bullying. United means joined together. In our school we want to all work together to stop bullying and make sure everyone feels safe and secure. 

Watch my video today to find out more about anti-bullying week! 

Look out for more videos this week about anti-bullying! 

Remember to talk to someone if this is happening to you! We are all here for you! 

Maths 1 - Doubling up to 20

  I am going to be showing you some top tips to help you solve some Maths problems. This week I am looking at doubling numbers up to 30. Watch my video to see my top tip.

Now try doubling these numbers? 
1) 13
2) 16
3) 22
4) 25
5) 27

I hope this helps you and soon you will be able to do 
these questions mentally using this top tip!! 

2 Times Table

 This week the timetables focus is the twos!!

Here is Percy Parker and he loves to sing and teach you the timetables!

Enjoy singing along!

Now can you answer these?
1) 4x2=
2) 2x2=
3) 8x2=
4) 10x2=
5) 5x2= 


 An important thing to learn in Year 3 and 4 is our timetables. For me one of the easiest ways to learn them is to sing. Each week I am going upload a different song for a different timetable on the Maths tab. Look out for these, listen each day and hopefully they will help you!

This is a timetables/multiplication square and this is another way to help you learn them.

I hope you enjoy singing with your family and learning as you sing!

Maths Calculation Policy


Hello Parents and Carers

I thought it might be useful to include the link to the new 2020 Maths Calculation Policy so you can see the methods we use in class to add, subtract, multiply and divide. 

                                                    Calculation Policy

Once you arrive on the White Rose Website - click on the New Calculation Policy towards the bottom of the page and the documents will begin to download. See my photo below for help 👇

Any questions please add to the comments below and I will get back to you or speak to your child's teacher in school. 

Keep Safe

Mrs Hall

The Enormous Turnip

 I am going to read some traditional tales over the next few weeks especially for the Abbey class. 

I wonder if you can join in? 
I wonder if you can remember any of the characters in the story? Can you tell someone in your house? 

Can you find 3 adjectives in the story? 

See you next time!

Spelling Number 1 - Building Pyramid

 We are going to be looking at different ways to learn to spelling. In this video we are looking at building a pyramid shape to help us remember how to spell the high frequency words. 

Watch the video to see how to use pyramids!

 Who thinks this will help them? 

Have a go at using pyramids with these spellings:

1) with

2) same

3) make

4) like

5) but 

Tell me in the comments below if it helped you this week 👇

Autumn Reading Challenge


One of the best ways to improve your reading is to read more!! Over the next few weeks we challenge you to read every day. There are so many ways to read. You can pick up a book, go for a walk and look at signs and posters on your way, turn on the computer and read the news headlines, visit the library or you could look at a cartoon in a magazine! 

Your challenge is:

1) To tell us one amazing fact you have learnt

2) To describe your favourite character

3) To tell us a wild place that you have read - you could take a photo for us to see

Have fun reading!!!

Autumn Home Challenges

Over this next few weeks we want you to have lots of fun with your family! But if you run out of things to do, here are some challenges from us:

1) Go for a walk every day - Can you splash in the puddles?   


2) Make a mud pie


3) Make a face out of things from your garden (or find them on your daily walk)

 4) Go on a Scavenger Hunt - Can you find everything on the list? 

5) Make some binoculars out of toilet rolls and go on a bug hunt - What bugs can you find?

6) Learn a new skill - make your bed, peel a carrot or hoover/sweep the living room 

7) Keep your body moving! Try spelling out your name and finding an exercise to go with each letter

The most important thing is to keep safe!!! 

The Suitcase part 2


The Suitcase part 1


Welcome to Year 4

 Hello everyone and welcome to the Year 4 blog!  

We hope you are all safe and well.  

In this Year 4 blog you will hopefully find lots of information about what we have been doing at school and how you can help your child continue learning at home.  This will be helpful if we have to close the bubble, to keep everyone safe.  

On the home tab you will find important notices from school.

If you have any questions please pop in comments or discuss with your child's class teacher.

Keep safe and happy,

Miss Frankish