Friday, 12 March 2021


Check out this brilliant hoodie!  Designed by one of our pupil's aunts.  We think this sums up the last few months perfectly!

Thursday, 4 March 2021

 Around school quiz: The Answers!

1. The art trolley outside Miss Sleight's classroom.

2. Dinner trays in the dining hall.

3. Part of the graffiti wall on the way to the hall (just before you get to the hall double doors).

4. The fence outside Miss Delaney's classroom.

5. The tub of spring flowers outside 4 Grand.

6. The 'check-in tree' in 4 Grand.

7. The water dispenser.

8. Underneath the wooden counter in the playground.

9. The book spines painted on the corridor wall.

10. The storage unit outside 4 Grand.

11. The side of the goal on the 3/4 playground.

How did you do?

Wednesday, 3 March 2021


Amazing matter answers.

How did you do?

 We know some of you might be feeling anxious about staying safe when you return to school on Monday March 8th.  Here is what we're doing to keep you safe:

  • There will be plenty of soap to give your hands a good soapy wash with.  We want you to wash your hands when you arrive at school, when you go to the loo, when you come in from the playground and when you sneeze or cough into them.  

  • There will be anti-bacterial hand gel available all over the classroom and school.  Use it whenever you can. 

  • You can wear a face mask all day if you'd like to.  
  • Bring your own water bottle with you - make sure it's got your name on it.  We'll give you a cup and a sticker to write your name on if you don't have a bottle.

  • We'll be working, playing and eating in our 3/4 bubble.  You must not cross the bubbles.

  • We'll continue working in rows, facing the front of the room so there will be fewer chances to breathe on each other!

  • All indoor spaces will be thoroughly cleaned every day. 

  • We know you'll be excited to see your friends but we won't be able to hug and hold hands just yet.  Remember - this won't last for ever!

It's ok to be nervous about coming back to school.  We will keep each other safe. 

Tuesday, 2 March 2021


We've been busy getting our classrooms ready for your return...


Monday, 1 March 2021


 Just a week to go!  We can't wait to welcome you back to school next Monday!

Take the quiz and see if you can identify these places around school...

Answers will be posted on the blog later this week.










